Happy people participate in the act of service

So much career advice is focused on making connections and climbing the ladder.

You’re urged to jump on the merry-go-round of conferences and mixers. To seek promotion at every opportunity. To take as many courses, workshops, and mentorships as you can to get ahead.

And while those things are certainly important, they aren’t everything.

In fact, they overlook something essential. Something that’s been pivotal not only to my own success, but that of every high-achieving — and happy — person I know.

I’m talking about working with non-profit organizations. Also known as giving back, paying it forward, doing work in service of others.

Why is non-profit work so important to career success? Several reasons.

The first is just good old-fashioned skill-building. Charities and other non-profits have the same demands as any other organization. To set goals and meet them. To recruit people to the mission. To make good use of resources while creating impact in the world. These are all highly valued and transferable skills that serve you well in any job in any industry.

Next, working with non-profits encourages — and often *requires* — you to be creative. These organizations often have big dreams and limited resources. So “doing more with less” is usually the order of the day. That challenges you to think outside the box — something employers love.

Finally, it puts your values in perspective. When you do service work, you tend to get very clear, very quickly on what’s actually important to you. And with that kind of clarity, decision-making becomes a lot simpler. You also tend to learn that doing what’s right is also good for business.

I’m my own case study in this. I’ve spent 20+ rewarding years working with various organizations to raise awareness for autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities. Last year, I launched The Ball Four Foundation with the help of family and friends to continue this vital work. The impact on my career, and my personal happiness, has been immeasurable.

So if you’re looking to add some rocket fuel to your career, try working with a non-profit on a mission you care about. You might find that it opens up entirely new paths to success…and unlocks new levels of ambition (and happiness) along the way.


The Power of Taking the Next Small Step


Christina’s World